Grandmaster Stephen J. Del Castillo is the Founder and Master Instructor of Krav Maga Martial Arts. He is a 7th degree Blackbelt with over 40 years of martial arts experience. He has Undergraduate degrees in Philosophy and Communications, as well as an MBA and is a Former Captain in the U.S. Army. Grandmaster Del Castillo's extensive academic, martial arts, military and business leadership development over the years all fed into the development of the unique academy he created- a leadership development academy, that also happens to teach the most practical self defense in the world! He has been operating that Academy since October of 2000, and now the academy itself, as well the many great Blackbelt Leader success stories the program has created, contributes to the experience and knowledge Grandmaster Del Castillo shares through his writing, podcasts, school and public speaking events.


I have loved martial arts, and i have loved leadership, for most of my life so that part of why i created this business is evident. What fewer people know is that I was actually a troubled youth. Bullying and other home and environmental conditions created in me a low self esteem manifested by me always trying to prove that I was good enough, even into adulthood. Long after earning several Blackbelts, academic degrees, a US Army Officer commission and many notable accomplishments in each, I still had something to prove. A strong motivation for opening my business, and for the evolution that has made it what it is today, was to help children, parents and families not go through that.

Interested in taking Martial Arts Classes?

Visit my school: tampakravmaga.com


I believe that every person has a particular purpose for which they were born. We are also endowed with special powers and proclivities that prepare us to live that purpose. Chapter 7 of my first book is about our calling to discover and develop that gift! Developing strong, confident and competent youth and families is mine. Many decades ago a friend of mine came and watched me teach for free a class at a small community center while I was still considering my military service as my long-term career. He told me, "you should be doing this for a living". He was right.

Developing Your Superpower

Stephen Del Castillo, Certified Master Instructor of Black Belt Schools International, and Lee Milteer discus the 7th Degree blackbelt's new book Developing Your Superpower.

Krav Maga Martial Arts exists to prepare students to live and empower them to lead. The first part of the mission, prepare to live, means that we prepare our students to survive and thrive in every situation; we prepare them to be able to defend themselves against violence and other threats to their safety, and also to overcome every obstacle and thrive in any situation. The latter part, empower to lead, is where we develop in students the character traits and leadership skills to lead, to make a difference in their families, work and world, and to live and lead into their purpose and calling on their life!

Book Author Stephen Del Castillo

As serial-entrepreneur and author of multiple books Stephen offers his books online on Amazon.com

Stephen Del Castillo

Developing Your Superpower:
Meditations On Mastery, Volume 1

My first book, Developing Your Superpower: Meditations On Mastery, Volume 1 shares the foundational character development piece of my Blackbelt Leadership program at Krav Maga Martial Arts. Chapters 1-6 teach on the Blackbelt attributes that I have coined "Superpowers" and Chapter 7 is about discovering and developing the unique and special power that each individual is especially called to. While I wrote the book and especially for students and parents of my program, it will be a very useful tool for anyone that wants to instill the superpowers: Focus, Respect, Discipline, Confidence, Gratitude and respect in their children and in their own lives. The best way is to read and work through the book with your children. The book will spark healthy conversation in each chapter and will not only help families be better at improving in all of these areas, but also to bond and grow together in the pursuit.

Developing your superpower

More Excellence…

Secrets Your Parents Never Taught You, Because They Probably Never Knew.

The book is about raising children with a healthy self esteem and the programming to live healthy, happy, productive and successful lives.... but it's also for adults that realize that not all of their childhood programing was perfect, and want to do the work to reprogram some areas. It's for the parent that wants to raise up their child for success and work on themselves too. Our parents did their best based on what they knew. This book fills in some of the rest.


Please listen in on some of our podcasts below

Podcast thumbnail


A special podcast sharing some reflections of Grandmaster Castillo



Stan Zubrin

If you are looking for guidance, physical or spiritual this is the place! Need your kid to learn importance of teamwork and community, again this is the place! You want to reach you dream of focusing your energy and finally earning that elusive dream of becoming a black belt, again this is the place and these are the people who will walk with you side by side trough out your journey!

Anna Kimera

This place is just one of those places where you feel the magic. The owner and his wife are both just wonderful human beings and the family that is created there is just wonderful ❤ you can feel the love and care for every single child. My son loves his black belt leadership program. And it keeps him in a great state of mind. I highly recommend this place for the whole family.

Jazmine Diamantopoulos

Parents want the best for their kids! Not all schools are the same. KMMA is EXTRAORDINARY! It is many steps beyond the rest. We were blessed with two kids that are FULL OF ENERGY. KMMA is the perfect fit for them. They are kept moving all the time, and they never sit out waiting for their turn. They get their aerobic activity while learning real life defense skills. My kids are learning real techniques to protect themselves. Most importantly, they are learning how to be good human beings during the class. Academic schools do not have the time to really create a good human being with wholesome values. They can say they do it, but they really do not have time for this with all the state requirements and bureaucracy that must be met. A good human being takes time to nurture and develop. KMMA is truly committed to this task. The way a business will succeed and flourish is by its' leaders. It is a pyramid effect. The philosophy at the top ripples to the bottom. Great leadership is definitely seen from the Grand Master, to the instructors, all the way down to the students. Kids absorb everything they are surrounded by. The instructors at KMMA are exceptional role models for my kids to learn from. They are kind, understanding, and great leaders. Before my kids are promoted to the next level, they must document their self discipline, healthy lifestyle, and the leadership roles they are performing in addition to their regular skills training. The classes are always fun. My kids love KMMA! Before you go anywhere else, try KMMA! You will not regret it, and your kids will be truly happy! Don't miss out on your blessing!


Hire Stephen Del Castillo

If you are interested in growing your business, Consulting, Business Development, Speaking or Group Training.

1:1 In Person
1:1 Online Conference
Training Session – based on venue
Speaking Engagements – based on type of speaking venue

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